The Progress Newspaper

GPA attributes “30 million Euros ferry maintenance” hype to media error

By Bubacarr Komma January 10, 2022

Gambia Ports Authority Ferry

In what was generally construed as wasteful spending following its publication, the management of the Gambia Ports Authority recently decided to distance itself from the story of the so-called, 30 million Euros refurbishment of its fleet of ferries.

Some people questioned the wisdom of spending this colossal sum of money on refurbishment instead of using this money to procure new ferries. However, GPA reacted by posting on their Facebook Page: “The amount quoted is correct, but the currency is wrong should have been reported as Dalasis not Euros. The error is inadvertent on the side of the journalist who carried the story.

It’s true that all 3 ferries are being refitted with new engines and propulsion systems to improve their technical suitability to provide a more reliable service. Hence their progressive withdrawal for the engine installation by local engineering staff. There will be disruptions in service, but the understanding of our customers and the travelling public is solicited as we strive to improve performance”.

GPA further attached a screenshot of the article which was published by Sulayman Wann August 24, 2021.

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