If there is anything Momodou Sabally is well known for, it is his relentless efforts to remain relevant in a society where he has done more harm than good. The recent vile and ridiculous graft allegation he leveled against Essa M Faal, the Lead Counsel of the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) accusing him of bribing a witness with a plot of land, says everything about Sabally. The assistance he might need is examining the state of his mental health.
Sabally is a narcissist that has over the years aligned himself to a various political parties and groups to remain relevant in the society. His loyalty is to his personal interest.
An attention seeking individual, he is so inebriated in his consuming desire to service his ego that he was not content with pursuing a promising career at the Central Bank of The Gambia, but joined Jammeh’s coterie of praise singers to win favour from the dictator. He particularly used the now defunct Daily Observer, to attract Jammeh’s attention, his most infamous piece being “To my president, a happy birthday and many more returns”.
The TRRC was created to investigate the human rights violations of a government Sabally served as Secretary General and Head of the Civil Service, one of the worst governments that ever existed in the World. He campaigned and defended that government and its party, APRC, to the detriment of Gambians.

That was not all. He said the most outrageous things about Mandingos and the party he now claims to be supporting –the United Democratic Party (UDP) just to keep his position as Secretary General and to please his then boss dictator Jammeh. But all his ill efforts did not go down well with Jammeh, who publicly denounced Sabally’s pomposity and arrogance, subsequently dismissing and jailing him. Typical of the narcissist and opportunist in him, Sabally quickly aligned himself to the Coalition president, Adama Barrow after the latter won the 2016 Presidential Election, thus betraying his former self. He appeared everywhere supporting and defending Barrow.
As per the Coalition agreement, the Janneh Commission was set up to investigate the financial dealings of the Yahya Jammeh regime. The commission indicted Sabally and he was banned from holding public office for life. This did not go down well with him; so he shifted allegiance to the UDP, a party that suffered a lot under a dictatorship he enabled, with its members allegedly killed, tortured and raped. No wonder Sabally is not pleased seeing a Commission that has brought such heinous crimes to light.
Sabally´s rudeness, idiocy, reprehensible and dangerous attitude will do more harm than good to the UDP. He is gaining more popularity in the party than expected; he now calls himself a commando who bullies people in the most detestable manner. He is constantly seen with UDP leaders on campaign grounds and meetings. UDP has the option of either condemning Sabally’s shameful remarks or be party to it.
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