July 12, 2021
From 5 to 16 July 2021, the Interregional Institute of Maritime Security (ISMI) of the Regional Academy of Marine Sciences and Technologies (ARSTM) in Abidjan is organising the third seminar of the SWAIMS-FORMAR project, financed by the European Union, on the topic “Law enforcement at sea: cases of armed robbery, maritime piracy and illicit trafficking”.
This seminar is intended primarily for ECOWAS States but is open to ECCAS States thanks to the support of France, thus enabling all the States bordering the Gulf of Guinea to participate. This technical training will be attended by thirty (30) officers (Navy, Maritime Affairs, Customs, Police/Gendarmerie, etc.) who exercise judicial police powers, from ECOWAS and ECCAS countries. At the end of the seminar, they will be better equipped in terms of recording maritime piracy offences, armed robbery and illicit trafficking, investigation and management of a crime scene.
A key activity of the seminar will be a practical boarding and rummage exercise on Thursday 15 July on board a patrol boat of the Ivorian Navy, a key partner of the seminar.
The SWAIMS-FORMAR programme aims to strengthen the technical capacities of civilian and military professionals from ECOWAS States working in national and regional maritime surveillance coordination centres. Worth 1 billion CFA francs (1.5 million euros), this grant will finance 16 training cycles between 2021 and 2024 and is part of the EU’s support for the ECOWAS Integrated Maritime Strategy.
The training courses cover a variety of topics ranging from the criminal regime of offences to law enforcement at sea, including money laundering related to maritime activities. During the 4 years of implementation, 400 key actors will be trained in the field of maritime safety and security.
Journalists are invited to attend the opening ceremony, which will be marked by the official handover of a bus acquired thanks to the project by the representative of the European Union Ambassador. It will be held at the Regional Academy of Marine Sciences and Techniques (ARSTM – Yopougon, Niangon), on Monday 05 July 2021 at 09:00v am.
(Courtesy Ecowas Commission)