By: Arafang Mama Dabo

Change in weather in recent days has been blamed for the dwindling catches in the southern coastline. Fishermen and women dealing in fish at landing sites such as Gunjur, Sanyang, Kartong and Tanji have not, for a long time, seen bad days as they’ve been experiencing in recent days.
“As we speak, there is a wind in the sea and this has greatly affected harvest,” fisherman Ebou Jobe told this medium in an interview in Gunjur. “The way we set sail is the way we return to the shores. No good catches because it is so windy inside the sea,” fisherman Modou Jah told this reporter in Sanyang.
Its not only the fishermen in the coastline that have been impacted by the reported wind-induced fish shortage, in income and food security terms. The women fishmongers were also having their fair share of the change in weather.
“My brother, everything is stalled here at Gunjur beach. I’m a food and juice vendor here but like many other businesses around me, I’m nowhere near my pre-wind-induced fish shortage revenue,” a woman, clutching her four-year-old son, told this reporter in a conversation as she prepared to leave for Brikama after a day’s work at the Gunjur beach.