“The public is hereby informed that, the Police is investigating into a case of a missing girl child residing at Manjai Kunda.
Preminary investigations revealed the following:
* The name of the child is Khadijatou Jallow commonly known as Angela, 8 years old and both parents deceased.
* She was under the care of Marie Jarjue her grandmother, who is believed to be mentally unstable.
* Due to numerous reports of abuse, she was officially placed under the care of Mr. Momodou K. Jallow of the Jallow Family at Manjai Kunda.
* She was subsequently enrolled at Cherno Baba Memorial School where she is currently attending school at grade two.
* On Thursday the 20th January 2022, the grandmother of the child Marie Jarjue, went to the school without authority, picked up the child and left with her to an unknown destination.
The Police is currently conducting a search to trace the where about of the child, therefore, members of the public are urged to volunteer information that may be useful to the investigation.
The usual cooperation of the general public is highly solicited”, the police said in a press release.
For any information call 117