
June 28, 2021
The rate at which Gambia’s green heritage is being destroyed is a
cause for concern.
Alkalos are selling off community forests to property developers
and they are being cleared for projects that will line the pockets of
capitalists who care less about the implications of deforestation.
This is very worrisome, given that Gambia, over the years, has
formulated sound pro-environmental policies.
For example the country many years ago established a citizen’s
forum for achieving the 2010 biodiversity target. The creation of
the forum was announced during the Ninth Special Session of the
United Nation’s Environmental Programme (UNEP) Governing
Council/Global Ministerial Environmental Forum in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates in February, 2006. The forum, dubbed “Friends of
the Convention on Life on Earth” was a response to a message
issued to people all over the world by then Executive Secretary of
the Convention on Biological Diversity –Dr. Ahmed Djoghiaf. In
his message of 3, January, 2006 Dr Djoghiaf had stated that “the
earth’s life support systems, from its forests and flowers to its
coral reefs and waterways are under assault as never before” and
urged all citizens of the world to engage in action to achieve the
2010 biodiversity target. The Gambia was touted as the first
country to respond to Dr. Djoghiaf’s call.
Also, The Gambia, more than a decade ago joined the rest of the
world in phasing out leaded gasoline –fuel said to be linked to
environmental damage and certain health problems. This step
was in tow with that taken by many African countries in the wake
of a pledge made at the world summit on sustainable
development (WSSE) in 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Furthermore, the country in 1992 adopted the Gambia
Environmental Action Plan (GEAP) as a framework for a sound
and sustainable management of the environment. It is within this
programme that the government of The Gambia through the NEA
carried out a study on the impact of certain elements on the
physical environment, especially air pollution from leaded
We have given the world the impression that our nation is
environmentally friendly. Let us walk the talk.