Fishmongers hard-hit by post-Tobaski fish scarcity

By Maria Lopes July 30, 2021 Fishmongers in the Gambia are again feeling the crunch of the usual post-Tobaski fish scarcity. Fatou K Sanyang, a fishmonger at Bakoteh Market, told The Progress... Read more »

Gambia’s food self-sufficiency goal still in limbo

By Bubacarr Komma and Vincent Ogo July 12, 2021 Gambia is primarily an agrarian nation with more than 70 percent of the population depending on agriculture for sustenance. Achieving food self-sufficiency has always... Read more »

For a successful farming season

Editorial July 12, 2021 Another rainy season is here. The Gambia is primarily an agrarian nation with more than 70 percent of the population depending on agriculture for sustenance. Agriculture contributes to improving... Read more »

Will Gambia having a VMS enough to save declining fish stocks?

By Ismaila Sonko & Maria Lopes July 7, 2021 For long Gambia was the only country in West Africa without a Vessel Monitoring System (VMS), a fact acknowledged by James F. Gomes,... Read more »

‘Fish on the verge of becoming a luxury in Gambia’

By Bajen Camara June 28, 2021 Fish is part of the daily diet of Gambians; it has been so for generations. It is estimated that over 200,000 people in the country are... Read more »

Banjul Port has only one lifter, no scanning machine

The Banjul Port has only one lifter and no scanning machine, The Progress Newspaper has gathered.  A source familiar with Gambia Ports Authority (GPA), the government agency responsible for the governance and... Read more »

Gambian agricultural products barred entry into China

A Gambian businessman (name withheld) says that Gambian agricultural products are not allowed entry in the People’s Republic of China. He made the disclosure during a recent interview with this reporter at... Read more »